Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Wine & Good Health Part II

In the first part we discussed about good effects of wine on heart, lungs & blood pressure, In this part we explore a few more good effects & look at exactly how much quantity is good for regular consumption.

Wine & Ageing: There are numerous health spas in France that used wine in their beauty therapies. The antioxidants present in red wine help reduce wrinkles. Though many spas use extracts from grape seeds that are rich in oils for moisturising and the grape skins that are rich in tannins, washing face with red wine has been proved to bring back spring in the skin.

 Wine & Calories: A glass of red wine contains about 85 calories now compare that to a pint of lager beer that would set you back by 250 calories whereas your Jack Daniels with coke would hammer you with 350 calories. A Stanford university study suggests that the action of the wine on the metabolism somehow makes its calories less fattening.

So finally we come to that all important question..  

Is wine good for you?

In moderation and as part of an overall healthy diet, the short answer is yes!

However, the amount of wine you drink matters tremendously. Drink more than what’s recommended, your health benefits are lost and your health risks go up.

Here’s what’s considered safe and effective:

¢  Men: No more than two drinks per day.

¢  Women: No more than one drink per day.

¢  One drink is defined as a 5-ounce glass of red wine. (Approximately 140 ml).

So what do you need to start off             
  • A wine bottle                            


  • Cork Screw Opener  (nowadays many wines come with regular twist caps too)

  • & Wine Glass

As they say better red than dead.
Drink responsibly