Monday 23 April 2012

Cool Summer Cocktails

The mercury is rising by the day and in these sweltering temperatures what one requires after a long day in the sun is a dip in the pool and some refreshing drinks to sip and cool down. Now it’s very easy to open the fridge and gulp down that oh so inviting can of chilled beer… but think how exciting it would be if you were able to mix a few simple and easy to source homemade mixed drinks. 

These mixed drinks either alcoholic or non alcoholic would give a different dimension to your choice and would surely increase the range of drinks that you can serve your guests or enjoy on your own. Let’s look at some simple yet very refreshing summer drinks.

Beer Shandy
For this you require is a pint of lager beer, some lime juice, limca/sprite/7UP (any one), sugar & rock salt.
In two pint glasses add in juice of 1 lime each add a tea spoon of sugar and a pinch of ground rock salt in each of the glasses, add in the limca/sprite/7UP whatever you have to about half of the glass and then top them up with the lager. This you will find is cooler to taste than just the beer and it also helps to replenish the requisite body salts lost in the sun.

Bee Tea
Now this is your usual Iced tea with a unusual twist, I have substituted the sugar syrup with a more healthier option, honey & to spice it up you may want to add in your citrus vodka, if you have just a regular vodka don’t worry just squeeze in half a lime to the drink. So there you have your cool & energizing Bee Tea.

Watermelon wave
For this refreshing drink all you need is some watermelon juice, honey, ginger juice, rock salt and white rum or vodka. Now in a tall glass add in few cubes of ice add in the spirit, honey, rock salt and ginger juice about a tea spoon of it should be enough, fill the glass with watermelon juice and garnish with watermelon chunks & strips of ginger.

Mojito (pronounced as Mo-hi-toh)
This is the ever so popular cool summer cocktail. For the Mojito you require White rum about 30 ml, fresh mint leaves 6-8 no. , lime wedges about 3, sugar & soda (or instead of sugar and soda you can use just sprite).
In the glass place mint leaves with sugar and lime juice muddle it enough to dissolve the sugar and extract oils from the mint. Do not muddle to crush the leaves and make a paste. Add rum, ice cubes & top it up with either soda or sprite garnish and serve with a straw.

Enjoy Responsibly 

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